Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hedbanz Game - A Game With a Simple Idea And Excellent Execution

Hedbanz Game is designed to increase the deductive reasoning skills of kids ages 6 years old and up. The idea behind this game is actually pretty simple. Players will need to answer (the quicker the better) of one single question "Who Am I?"

Before the game started, players will be provided with headbands (six headbands for a maximum 6 multi-players game), 74 cards, 24 chips and sand-clock timer. Firstly, each player will be given three chips. After that, they will draw a card and put it in the headbands, without having to see it first. As such, all other players but you know what is drawn in your card (there are three categories; animal, food and common object). The same thing goes for other players in the game. You will then have to guess the picture in the card by doing some wild guesses within the specified time (using sand-clock timer as the stopwatch). You will lose one chip by guessing the right picture and will win the game once all three chips are taken. Whoever records the fastest time to lose three chips will win the Hedbanz Game.

Although the main idea is simple, the execution is pretty outstanding. Who would have thought of using headbands to keep your cards from being seen by the others or using sand-clock timer to set the time? We can only say kudos to the manufacturer for creating this interesting and unique Hedbanz Game.

So parents, now you have an excellent toy to divert your kids' attention from video games. Whether or not you will make good use of this toy is yours to decide.

Hedbanz Game

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